
How Link works
LINK Learning Trust is a multi Academy Trust (MAT) which governs more than one school. MATs are structured like a company.

Governance Structure


Governance Structure

Members Board

LINK Learning Trust has a Members board, They are the  shareholders of the charitable company and they have the ultimate control of Link Learning Trust

Members are responsible for:

  • Agreeing the Articles of Association that define how the Academy Trust will run.
  • Appointing Trustees and having power to remove Trustees.
  • Signing the Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State and signing off Accounts and Annual Report.
  • Holding the Board of Trustees to account, ensuring that the trustees board is exercising effective governance and leadership of Link Learning trust. (Chair of Trustees is also a Member to ensure link between the Members and Trust Board).

Members are  ‘eyes on and hands off’

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees manages the business of the academy trust and may exercise all the powers of the academy trust. The board should focus strongly on the three core functions of governance, Compliance, Care and Prudence.

It will:

  1. Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Oversee the financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money gives public value.
  4. Set vision and policies for LINK Learning Trust and a clear strategy for achieving the vision.
  5. Ensure high standards of corporate governance are maintained.
  6. Exercise reasonable skill and care in carrying out its duties.
  7. Ensure compliance with charity and company law.
  8. Ensure operation in accordance with funding agreement.
  9. Create robust accountability for standards.


There are two committees formed from the Trust Board: Standards Committee and Resource, Audit and Risk committee.

The Trust Board delegates some decision making to Academy Councils, Academy Councils can advise the Trust Board. Academy Councils are local to each school.

Refer to the remits for full details of roles and responsibilities of each layer of governance.